Tomorrow is Alyssa's last day of Preschool. Wow! Can't believe that! It seems like just yesterday she started.
During her bedtime we talked about it being her last day, which she is really excited about. I am not sure she realizes what "last" means. I told her I might cry happy tears and she was so concerned. What a precious child she is. "I really don't want you to cry, Mommy." So I will do my best to fight back those tears. I remember hating my mom crying at sentimental stuff, I thought I would NEVER do that. Yeah, right, I am so worse than she ever was. I ever cried at the confirmation video on Sunday at church. I don't have a confirmation kid, nor am I that involved with that group, I only know a few of the kids. But I can appreciate the beauty of a baby becoming a child, a child become a teen (ok- is that beauty?), and the beauty of becoming an adult. That is how God wants it.
I wanted to do something special for her teachers. They have really helped Alyssa bloom these past two years. She had one teacher for both years. I am pretty darn excited with what I came up with. I painted terra cotta flower pots with chalkboard spray paint and then spray painted the rim and inside with pink. Alyssa and I made paper flowers by punching out 2" circles and gluing them together. She signed the daisy. Then we pasted her school picture on the pink one. I used glue dots to secure a Borders gift card to the Black-eyed Susan. Then we taped floral arrangement sticks to the back and secured them in styrofoam inside the pot. I put seeds for "Alyssum", Sundflowers and Zinnias in the pot. Perhaps my favorite touch is the little poem I came up with.
When you plant these seeds
Think of the seeds
you planted in me
Like these seeds
From all the love
in your classroom.
I have to give credit to my friends Alex and Katie who both inspired me separately. Alex with her paper flowers and Katie with her chalkboard paint pot. Thanks!