I am waiting for my dryer cycle to be done, so I figured I would write a quick note. Brett and I just attended our 15 year class reunion from Seneca Valley. It was so fun to hear what fellow Eagles are up to now. Everyone looked great. We had a family event today and all the kids took to each other instantly. It was so cool to watch the 2nd generation. Alyssa made at least 3 new "best friends in the whole world." So funny. And she usually doesn't jump right in like that.
Brett's birthday was also today. I have to say I am so awed and impressed at the man he is and man he continues to become! Happy Birthday, Brett! I am so lucky to be your wife!
oh-- there's the dryer. I will write more on Alyssa's birthday festivities later.
To all you Eagles-- great seeing you, keep in touch (that sounds so yearbooky, but I mean it)
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