So, yes Alyssa got on that bus on the first day but we are certainly still in a period of adjustment. It is such a long day for her, she comes home very wiped out. This week we had some tough times, apparently she almost missed the bus coming home from school. I am not sure how that happens, since the school promises they get all the Kindergarteners on the bus to go home. Anyhow, I think that scared her. It scared me. The next day she absolutely refused to get on the bus. She was kicking and screaming and crying, clinging to my leg. I literally had to physically put her on the bus and into a seat. That was so so hard. I barely held it together. I don't think there was a dry eye at the bus stop, all the parents were crying, I was crying and poor Patrick kept telling me not to cry. The teacher told me that she made it ther

e fine and was happy. Thank goodness, but all I could replay in my head was that episode. She has done well the rest of the week, so that is progress. I am so glad for the weekend now!
Patrick also started school this week. He had his first day today and loved it. I am so proud of him. Brett went in late so he could help take him in. He was a little bummed that you don't take a bus to preschool.
It's a little weird not to have them both with me most of the day. I am a little sad and empty without them here as much.

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