Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hula Hoop

Whoo boy! I bought my daughter a hula hoop the other day, as a compromise to an expensive Barbie thing. Well, she's been loving it. She shows her "tricks" nightly. The tricks are ones of a four year old. Lovely, simple, and make me wonder why I let her play with it in the house. As she was doing her "tricks" I decided I might as well have a crack at that hula hoop. Now, know I NEVER have mastered the hula hoop. In all my days, I would spin that thing all the way around my waist, I would wriggle and wiggle all around in hopes of keeping it up, but alas that thing always went straight for the floor. I never actually owned a hula hoop either, I know, my parents really deprived me. However, tonight-- I did it!! I spun that thing around, I did my wriggle, I did my wiggle and by golly it kept going around. Brett was cheering, Alyssa was clapping! It was awesome.

For weeks I have been exercising and eating better in hopes of diminishing the hips I gained during 2 pregnancies. Well now I know just what they are there for--to keep the hula hoop up! It changed my whole perspective! Sometimes that is all we need, a shift in perspective.


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