Thursday, August 14, 2008

Family Friday: Dreams for the Future

This week's edition of Family Friday concentrates on some of our dreams for the future. Currrently we are at the beach, celebrating the end of very fun and busy summer. Somehow, any time we reach the beach we start to dream. I love that. We talk about what we want to do, where we want to go . . .

Dream #1:
There is a house for sale on the street that leads to the strech of beach where Brett proposed marriage, and I gleefully accepted. Wouldn't that be a wonderful vacation home?

10 year anniversary in Italy-- we decided we'd like to take a trip to celebrate our 10 year anniversary (in 2011). Italy is one of our top destinations right now.

Dream #3:
If both of us could publish something really top notch, make some money for it and then we could write full time living in Dream #1.

Dream #4: Patrick will go to Notre Dame, because, well, he's part Irish and he's fighting!

Dream #5: We are living it! We are so fortunate and blessed. We have a supportive and loving family. We get to go to the lake house to fish with Aunty Patty and Uncle Joe, we get to sun at the beach with Grandma Linny and Grandpa Charlie, we went to Disney with Grandma and Papa Joel, we live close to our families for all the support we would want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Family Friday, even if I wait until Wednesday to read it.